Canby Pool to Remain Closed due to Covid Restrictions

After briefly reopening in September, the Canby Swim Center will close its doors once again and remain closed due to new coronavirus guidelines the governor’s office recently unveiled.

“Currently, these new metrics put Clackamas County in the extreme risk category which means that all indoor pools must remain closed for the two-week period ending Dec. 17,” the center said in an email to patrons Thursday. “As we understand it, these metrics will be checked weekly and risk level assignments will be made for the upcoming week.”

The governor’s new metrics for counties assess the risk for exposure to the virus based on the rate of new cases of Covid-19 per 100,000 residents in the past two weeks — more or less mirroring the new standards for reopening schools that were rolled out in late October.

Clackamas currently falls into the most restricted category — extreme risk — along with 24 others. Counties labeled as extreme risk for Covid-19 spread are saddled with the most severe restrictions on restaurants, gyms and other businesses, and social gatherings — similar to those in effect during the state’s “two-week freeze.”

The swim center said it will follow its past practice of extending pass holders during the closures. Renewal notices will be automatically generated and may be disregarded. The swim center does not offer online renewal.

The city-owned and operated pool reopened for lane reservations in September, under strict new guidelines that were in effect at the time. For more information, visit the Canby Swim Center’s website or call 503-266-2761.

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