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Two New Clackamas County Listening Sessions Planned for Coming Week

Clackamas County commissioners will continue to host digital listening sessions with the public next week in order to hear about community concerns about the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.

The county held their first two listening sessions last week, which are available on Youtube: one on local business and economic development, and the other on sheltering.

The sessions have proven popular, the county says. Any resident or interested party is invited to join these digital sessions, which are held via Zoom. The platform allows the public to participate online or call in.

At these sessions, commissioners primarily listen to the public give opinions, relay personal experiences, and state their hopes/worries about the pandemic’s short-term and long-term effects. Next week’s topics include:

Tuesday, April 7, 2-3 p.m.

#ClackCo’s COVID-19 Response: Upon learning that the coronavirus was present within Clackamas County, the county immediately activated its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to coordinate response.

This includes public health response, public information dissemination and other critical logistics. Commissioners have taken ongoing essential actions that guide overall response.

But what could Clackamas County be doing better than it is now in responding to the pandemic? What can commissioners and/or county staff be doing that will better prepare our community for recovery?

Guests: Clackamas County Chair Jim Bernard, County Administrator Gary Schmidt, Emergency Operations Center Commander Nancy Bush

Zoom link:
Zoom code: 910 467 952

Phone call-in: Any of 669-900-6833, 346-248-7799, or 408-638-0968
Webinar ID: 910 467 952

Thursday, April 9, 2-3 p.m.

Intergovernmental COVID-19 Response: Governments at all levels are focused on response to the coronavirus. Clackamas County commissioners continually meet with regional counterparts and their state/federal contacts, through which they have influence.

What could be going better, from a regional perspective? How can commissioners better advocate for our community, so that it thrives in the short and long-term?

Guests: Clackamas County Chair Jim Bernard, Vice-Chair Martha Schrader, Government Affairs Manager Chris Lyons, others TBD.

Zoom link:
Zoom join code: 632 643 833

Phone call-in: Any of 669-900-6833, 346-248-7799, or 408-638-0968
Webinar ID: 632 643 833

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