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Hopkins Forest Outreach Center Named for Prominent Woodland Owner, Educator

The new Forestry and Natural Resources Outreach Center at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest in Beavercreek was officially named after a prominent local family at a dedication ceremony this weekend.

The recently completed, 2,400-square-foot Forestry and Natural Resources Outreach Center was named for the Belton family — prominent forest owners in Clackamas County.

John Belton was a well-known woodland owner who loved teaching and sharing his knowledge and experience with other landowners, professional natural resource managers, youth and the public.

He hosted numerous tours, demonstrations and events at the family’s forest property east of Sandy. Belton was raised in Clackamas County, had degrees from Lewis and Clark College and Oregon State University prior to spending his career as a university professor and administrator. He passed away in 2013.

“We are honored to have the Belton name on our new outreach center,” said Mike Bondi, a member of the board of directors for Forests Forever Inc. and the project’s fundraising chair.

“Many family forest owners will remember John. He was a wonderful teacher, an innovator, and advocate for the sustainable management of our natural resources.”

Belton was also an Oregon State University master woodland manager — a trained Extension Service volunteer who work in the community sharing their knowledge and experience with others.

He was also actively involved in the Clackamas County Farm Forestry Association, the American Tree Farm System and numerous other natural resource organizations.

John’s wife, Carol Belton, and sons Arthur and Stephen, who live in California and Florida, respectively, were present for the dedication ceremony on July 9. The Hopkins Demonstration Forest is located at 16750 South Brockway Road in Beavercreek.

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