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Hope Village Outbreak Spikes Covid-19 Count in Canby

Staff Sgt. Nathan Harris, 96th Medical Group medical laboratory technician, places a patient sample in a molecular diagnostic analyzer used to test for COVID-19 May 1 at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla. It takes approximately 70 minutes to process each panel. (U.S. Air Force photo/Ilka Cole)

The count of confirmed cases linked to Canby’s ZIP code nearly doubled in the Oregon Health Authority’s latest weekly report — as expected, due to a large outbreak at the Marquis Hope Village Post-Acute rehab center.

Canby’s count jumped from 35 to 64 for the week ending Sunday, June 7, an increase that is largely — if not entirely — attributable to the Marquis Hope Village outbreak that was first reported at the end of last week.

The outbreak has since grown to at least 39 confirmed cases, but not all would be reflected in the weekly reports due to timing and other factors. For example, staff positives may not be linked to the Canby ZIP code if they live elsewhere — same with those who were residents at Marquis Hope Village for short-term therapy.

The increase also means a steep spike for the city’s rate of infection, which is now up to 28.2 cases per 10,000 residents — the highest in Clackamas County.

Neighboring Oregon City also saw a relatively sharp rise: 10 new cases, for a total of 36. But their much-higher population means their rate of infection — 7.0 cases per 10,000 — is only a quarter of Canby’s.

Other cities saw much slighter increases. Molalla saw two new cases and is now at 34, with an infection rate of 22.5. Wilsonville actually went backward, from 22 to 21 — an apparent correction. Their infection rate is 10.0.

Covid-19 has contributed to at least four deaths in Canby — two residents at Country Side Living and two at Marquis Hope Village.

Total case counts are cumulative, and compiled over the course of the Covid-19 outbreak. Some cases are likely to have recovered, but the exact number is unknown. The OHA does not report deaths, recoveries, hospitalizations, the total numbers tested, or any other demographic information at the level of city or ZIP code.

Most cases of Covid-19 have mild or moderate symptoms, and the vast majority recover. Those who are older or who have underlying medical conditions are at much greater risk for serious complications and death.

If you develop a fever or respiratory symptoms such as a cough or shortness of breath, contact your primary care provider or Clackamas County Health Centers.

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