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‘Here Comes Canby, Hide Your Staff’: Melissa Bisset Welcomed as New City Recorder

The city of Canby bid a fond farewell to City Administrator Rick Robinson last week, but that’s not the only major office they’ve replaced recently They also have a new city recorder, Melissa Bisset, whose first meeting was earlier this month.

Melissa comes to the city of Canby from McMinnville, where she had served as city recorder for three years, whereas new City Administrator Scott McClure was hired away from the city of Monmouth.

According to Mayor Brian Hodson, this “poaching” has not gone unnoticed by other city officials. In fact, it was the cause of some lighthearted ribbing during a recent League of Oregon Cities conference Hodson and several Canby city councilors attended, along with municipal officials representing cities all over the state.

We can hardly wait to see what the folks at Autotune the News come up with for this one.

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