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First 3 Weeks of Filing Draws Lone Applicant for Canby City Council

Applications have been slow to come in for the mayor’s seat and three openings on the Canby City Council so far this election cycle, with only one incumbent tossing his hat into the ring as of Tuesday.

The terms of office for Mayor Brian Hodson, Councilor Art Marine, Councilor Greg Parker and Councilor Shawn Varwig will expire on December 31.

All four positions will be on the general election ballot, but as of this week, only Parker had turned in his bid for re-election in the three weeks since filing opened.

“We’ve made tremendous progress on the goal of a vibrant and walkable downtown,” Parker said in an email to the Current, when asked his interest in seeking another term — his fourth. “There is more work to be done.

“We have the resources to provide more trails and recreational opportunities. I’m prepared to offer my services if voters would like me to continue.”

No other applications had been filed, according to Recorder Melissa Bisset, who also serves as the city’s elections officer.

“As your city elections officer, I am available as a resource,” Bisset said in a press release. “Should anyone have plans to file their nomination paperwork, or questions about the process, I am available to connect and happy to provide assistance.”

The council positions are all four-year terms while the mayor serves for two years. The winners of the mayor and council races will be sworn in in January 2023.

Nomination papers will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. on August 25. Candidates interested in beginning the process should schedule an appointment with the City Recorder directly at 503-592-6922 or

Qualified candidates must be a resident of the city of Canby during the 12 months immediately preceding the election, must be a registered voter in the state of Oregon, and may not be employed by the City of Canby.

For more information, including information on how to file, visit the city’s website.

Although more applications are sure to appear as the deadline draws near, the apparent lack of interest thus far represents a marked change from November 2020’s fiercely contested council races.

Appointments for vacant seats on the council have also been widely sought in recent years, drawing as many as a dozen applicants.

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