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Current, Chamber, CTV 5 Host Virtual Council Candidate Forum

The Canby Current is partnering with the Canby Area Chamber of Commerce and CTV Channel 5 to present a virtual forum next week featuring the six candidates vying for seats on the Canby City Council.

Current councilors Traci Hensley and Sarah Spoon have agreed to take part in the event, which will be broadcast live from CTV’s studios in downtown Canby, along with newcomers Christopher Bangs, James Hieb, Jason Padden and Jordan Tibbals.

The forum will be hosted by Chamber Director Kyle Lang and Tyler Francke, of the Current and Now Hear This: Canby. CTV’s Gordon Christiansen will serve as producer.

The event will eschew an in-person audience due to current coronavirus restrictions in effect for Clackamas County. Fewer than 10 people will be permitted inside the studio during the forum, including the candidates, hosts and crew.

Organizers have drafted guidelines for the forum intended to allow each candidate equal time to respond to questions and share information about their vision for the city of Canby and how they can contribute positively to its future.

Candidates will be asked the same questions, covering topics such as their backgrounds and qualifications, the role of the City Council and business development and the most pressing issues facing the city of Canby.

The event is an informational forum, not a debate, and is being presented in a non-confrontational format. The purpose of the event is to give candidates a chance to share their message and connect with voters during a time in which traditional campaigning may be difficult, due to the coronavirus pandemic.

For updates and more information, visit the event’s page on Facebook. It will be broadcast live on local access channel 5 over DirectLink and Wave Broadband starting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13.

The simulcast will also be available on YouTube and Facebook Live via the Current and Canby Area Chamber.

The six candidates are vying for four of the six open seats on the council. The three highest vote-getters will receive full four-year terms. The fourth-highest will serve the final two years of a term that opened because of a resignation.

Ballots for the Nov. 3 general election will be mailed to households starting Wednesday, Oct. 14.

See the Canby City Council Candidate Virtual Form below:

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