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Clackamas County Child Abuser Sentenced to 50 Years in Prison

Michael Wayne Champagne.
A 64-year-old Clackamas County man with possible Canby ties was sentenced to 50 years in prison on Monday for sexually abusing two young girls.

A Clackamas County jury last week found Michael Wayne Champagne guilty of one count of first-degree rape, three counts of first-degree sexual abuse, two counts of first-degree sodomy and one count of first-degree unlawful penetration, according to Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office.

All of the charges against him were class A felonies, as well as Measure 11 offenses carrying mandatory minimum sentences of at least six years, three months in prison for each.

The investigation into the incident began in June 2019, the sheriff’s office said. The two girls were 9 years old.

Champagne registered as a sex offender after pleading guilty in 2008 to two counts of first-degree attempted sexual abuse. The victim was from Salem and was also 9 years old at the time.

He served just over a year in jail for that case.

Champagne has a lengthy criminal record dating back to 1991, involving misdemeanor and felony charges in Marion, Lincoln, Polk and Clatsop counties. Public records suggested he may have lived on South New Era Road in the Canby area in 2003 and 2004.

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