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Canby Prayer Breakfast Goes Online for National Day of Prayer May 7

The Canby Prayer Breakfast has not been canceled after all. The prayer meeting will be happening after all; it will just be virtual. As to the breakfast, well, sorry but you’ll have to provide that yourself.

When the organizing committee made the decision to the cancel the annual event, traditional held in Cutsforth’s Old Town Hall, they pivoted to a different way to connect the community through prayer: a multidenominational Canby Prayer Guide, featuring daily prayers written by folks from the various churches in town.

Prayer Breakfast organizer Pete Durkee said they decided to move forward with the online prayer meeting at the request of several of the local pastors who are involved in the effort.

As is tradition, Canby Mayor Brian Hodson will provide some remarks and Nick Coleman, of Canby YoungLife, has been tabbed to pray for the city’s youth.

“We will have regular prayer topics like we have at the Canby Prayer Breakfast,” he said. “We think this is a great way to usher in the National Day of Prayer and finish our Prayer Guide.”

The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and be facilitated through Zoom. Durkee estimated the event will last 30 to 40 minutes. The meeting can accommodate up to 500 participants.

“The reason I pray is because prayer changes our world, and it changes me,” said Canby Center Executive Director Ray Keen, who is also an organizer of the breakfast. “The time will be focused on giving thanks to God and asking for his help and healing in this challenging times.”

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