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Canby Fire Honors Lee Fifth-Grader for Heroic Actions

When asked to picture a hero in their minds, it’s unlikely that many people would conjure the image of a fifth-grade boy. Those folks, however, have yet to meet Kade Graves.

Kade, a fifth-grader at Lee Elementary School, was recognized by the Canby Fire Department recently for acting with bravery and heroism when his best friend, Eli Gorton-Green, suffered a seizure during recess.

Eli, who’s also in the fifth grade at Lee, said he has had a seizure disorder his whole life. For his safety, Eli’s parents have made sure all his friends know about it, and that, of course, includes Kade.

Kade’s mom, a nurse, also prepared him for what to watch for and what to do in a medical emergency. So when it happened to his best friend on the playground, Kade was ready, quickly alerting nearby adults to call 911 and turning Eli onto his side to make sure he could breathe.

“We’re so proud of that young man,” Canby Fire Chief Jim Davis told the Current. “He was very calm and stayed with Eli. He did an excellent job.”

Davis, along with Captain Jason Wanner, Division Chief Matt English and the crew that was on shift during that particular call, all traveled to Lee to congratulate Kade and present with a certificate and Canby Fire challenge coin in honor of his bravery.

“He was very humble,” Davis said. “He really didn’t want to make a fuss. He said he just felt like he did what he was supposed to do.”

Eli’s mom, Laura Green, contacted Canby Fire to honor the young hero, but the fire district stages similar shows of appreciation for loved ones or Good Samaritans who assist on CPR saves, cardiac arrest and other calls.

“We really need the assistance of people who can render first aid assistance like Kade did,” Davis said.

School district officials said Eli will be OK and is even likely to outgrow his disorder. But for now, his parents are grateful he attends Lee Elementary and has such great friends, like Kade.

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